Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sit By The Fire Place

Please take a moment, and sit with me by the fireplace. Could you imagine our conversation? Maybe the room might be filled with not just our conversation, but maybe more and more people will join us and the room will not only be joyful, but warm and full. The sports channel is on be we're not watching it. It's right before the Christmas holiday. Now imagine a family member, or good friend about to enter the Holiday season alone. It could be a pretty lonely time for some. Just a little small conversation may brighten their season. And don't forget to smile. There's a place on this blog to click. It's called 'light a candle.' Say a little prayer, click to light the candle, think and or pray for a moment click again and sign it, put a verse on your candle and let it shine for the world to see a beacon of good will. Happy Holidays family.

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