Sunday, August 9, 2009

Happy Birthday August Family

Hello Family. I'm glad to be back and to be wishing The August Family members Happy Birthday.We have 4 birthdays this month:

1) Robby Stubblefield 8-25

2)Shirley Tyree 8-29

3)William Suddeth Jr. 8-30

4) Faith Dargan 8-30

Happy Birthday and much love to you.

Big City Thieves

Hello Family, This is something you may want to take the time to watch. It's approximately 7 minutes. If you are in a large metropolitan are, and are alone allot, and carry any items large or small you should watch this video, and remain alert at all times. Even someone who presents themselves as someone to help may be just the opposite. Even though I believe God puts in our paths people that will be there in dire times of need without our asking, and without our knowing.
Date: Monday, August 3, 2009, 10:26 PM Make sure you watch the entire video! See how fast this happened. During these times we all need to be careful. You have got to see this; how many times have we helped strangers to take pictures of themselves? You may have done it; check this out and stay vigilant people. Just watch it.. and pass it on

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I'm glad you stayed. I have just had a bad ordeal with the flu. Yes the flu ! Well to say the least it was HORRIBLE. I'll be back at it this weekend, so hang in there. Until then take care.
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