Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Shakers, Quakers, EARTHQUAKE !

Hello Family. We're fine, but today we experienced an earthquake. It was centered in Canada, and registered 5.5. Of course it is unusual, especially since we couldn't have it all to ourselves. The quake was felt as far northeast as New York, and farther west as Chicago. Here's what Craines Business news had to report about it.

"Buildings throughout Northeast Ohio swayed for several seconds early this afternoon as an earthquake with origins along the Ontario-Quebec border in Canada sent shock waves through the region.

Initial reports measured the earthquake at 5.5 on the Richter scale.

There were no reports of structural damage to buildings in the region. However, crowds of office workers in downtown Cleveland exited their buildings shortly after 1:30 p.m. when the structures they were occupying began to sway.

Conversation on social media site Twitter indicated most people were excited and amused by the sensation created by the earthquake. Competitions quickly emerged to name songs (such as rock standard “Shake, Rattle and Roll” and Carole King's “I Feel the Earth Move”) that played off the earthquake theme. But perhaps the big winner was D.J. Litten, who tweeted: "USGS now reporting abandoned vuvuzelas found at the epicenter of earthquake." For those not into the World Cup, vuvuzelas are the noisy plastic horns that serve as white noise at the global soccer competition taking place in South Africa."

I was Downtown, but I did not feel the quake, and Lake Erie didn't produce a tsunami. Then, there was a severe weather alert and the sky looked ugly, tornado ugly. All we got was a very light sprinkle, and the sky cleared. Very befuddling indeed. Wew, thank God.

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