Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Not Just The Norm

Hello Family. Please let me lay some heaviness on you. There are still some issues within all of us. We as a people love to see things like the President of the United States, a Black Man. We love to see that we supposedly have come along way. I have a serious counterpoint. Do you love your Family. Have you talked to someone, oh so familiar to you as your Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Cousin, Child, Grandchild, or along time Friend? If the answer is no, then I guess you are getting my message. We can only overcome if "we are willing." There are too many creatures of habit that can only overcome if they overcome themselves. I once had a very prolific counselor tell me "if the shoe fits wear it." That is my very point, all does not apply to all. How do we sift through the mess and make sense of it? Well, together we should be able to. (refer to the Bible) . Be Blessed in the best way, from God. Until next time. Love to the reader.

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