Friday, February 27, 2009

Black Facts (Black History Finale)

Hello Family. I enjoyed and learned some things myself about the rich history of Black People in America. These Black facts were taken from a site by the same name, Black Facts. Enjoy this as we come to the end of another Black History Month.
Selected Black Facts for February 27
1988 - Debi Thomas 1st Black to win winter Olympic medal
Figure skater Debi Thomas becomes the first African American to win a medal (bronze) at the winter Olympic Games.

1964 - Anna Julia Cooper passes
Anna Julia Cooper, champion for the rights of black women, dies at the age of 105.

1902 - Marian Anderson born
2/27/1902: On this day Marian Anderson, who will become a world-renowned opera singer and the first African American soloist to perform at hte White House , is born in Philadelphia, PA.

1883 - Hand Stamp Patented
Walter B. Purvis patented hand stamp.

1872 - Charlotte Ray graduates from Howard Law School.
Charlotte Ray graduates from Howard Law School. She is the first African American lawyer in the U.S.

1869 - Congress Adopts 15th Amendmant
Congress adopted the 15th constitutional amendment, making it illegal for the US or any single government to deny or abridge the right to vote "on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude."

1869 - John W. Menard speaks in Congress
John W. Menard spoke in Congress in defense of his claim to a contested seat in Louisiana's Second Congressional District. Congress decided against both claimants. Congressman James A. Garfield of the examining committee said "it was too early to admit a Negro to the U.S. Congress." Menard was the first Black...

1844 - Independence Day for Domincan Republic
Independence Day for Dominican Republic

1833 - First American-born woman to give public lectures
On this day in 1833, Maria W. Steward delivered one of the four speeches which confirmed her place in history as the first American-born woman to give public lectures. Stewards lectures focused on encouraging African-Americans to attain education, political rights, and public recognition for their achievements. Her spe...

1788 - *Probable date of Prince Hall's birth
Prince Hall, Revolutionary War Veteran and founder of African Masonic Lodges, *may* have been born on this date. Though his accomplishments are well celebrated, little is known of Prince Hall's early life. Until next time, take care.

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