Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Harvest/Gardening 2011 Final


Shaker Heights-20110913-00380Well it was definitely a good summer for Tomatoes. I got around 40 Tomatoes. Out of those, the bugs and critters got 4. The two odd ones are deformed Beefsteaks. They are strange looking. So far, 7 have turned red. There’s still about 10 more on the vines. This is the first time I didn’t get any yield from the Squash. Yes, out of three plants, all the little veggies shriveled, the blooms were gorgeous though.

Cleveland-20110913-00383Shaker Heights-20110913-00381 I did try something a little different. I used Zinnias around the border fence, they were just a little larger than I imagined they would be, but very nice. Cleveland-20110909-00372Shaker Heights-20110909-00370 Shaker Heights-20110909-00369 I noticed this thing on my Tomatoes. I’d never seen one before. The “experts,” at work said it’s a Tomato Bug. Only a mother could love the way this thing looks. But I’ll be darned if it didn’t eat half a tomato plant before I noticed. Then it started growing these little white “rice crispies'” all over it. By then I’d   removed it..Cleveland-20110909-00368Cleveland-20110912-00376And if you remember me planting SunFlowers, one came up out of three. For the first time in years there were Monarchs in my yard.

Shaker Heights-20110905-00355 Oh, yes. The Tomatoes were A through Z-licious. Not just D ! There’s still more to pick.

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