Sent: Sep 25, 2011 4:43 PM
When the Browns win 2 in row ! 17 to 16 against Miami. Momentum is being built. Now they better not make me eat my words.
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When the Browns win 2 in row ! 17 to 16 against Miami. Momentum is being built. Now they better not make me eat my words.
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I did try something a little different. I used Zinnias around the border fence, they were just a little larger than I imagined they would be, but very nice.
I noticed this thing on my Tomatoes. I’d never seen one before. The “experts,” at work said it’s a Tomato Bug. Only a mother could love the way this thing looks. But I’ll be darned if it didn’t eat half a tomato plant before I noticed. Then it started growing these little white “rice crispies'” all over it. By then I’d removed it..
And if you remember me planting SunFlowers, one came up out of three. For the first time in years there were Monarchs in my yard.
Oh, yes. The Tomatoes were A through Z-licious. Not just D ! There’s still more to pick.
This is not a retouched picture. Too bad I can’t say the same for this guy. This happened on the train today on the way home from work. Yes, that is a pair of men’s underwear pinned to the back of his jeans. Yes, those are plastic forks and spoons somehow fastened to his head. Many people reacted, but no one bothered him. He walked through the mall like that, went to pay his fare and got on the train, and rode home (I guess). I think he one-upped the saggers.