Sunday, May 30, 2010
Another Memorial Day (poem)
Sitting here today, reading a poem "Our Flag is Great", I ponder another time'
I'm reminded, for several years, its come & gone, the "9/11" terrorist crime!
A discernment prior to then, about people's indifference & disrespectful ways,
Left feelings that drastic times were coming, but not as terrible as the "9/11" days.
At public gatherings, people had no thought of reverence for our Flag's history,
For sacrifices made by friends & family, many dying patriotically, to keep us free.
Giving their lives or limbs or minds in times of crisis that threatened our liberty,
Going proudly, knowing this Country grew up fighting from sea to shining sea.
Of course there was concern, not wanting to leave loved ones so far behind,
But knowing in their hearts it was necessary to protect this land, so never mind.
Those not returning believed & fought for freedom others earlier died to earn.
For too long this history lesson escaped many, but was soon to be "re-learned."
Such a sad commentary, we have short memories of freedom they died to earn,
Not adhering to basic principles our founding fathers set out, will we ever learn?
It's noticeable by all those that had loved ones die in War & what it meant,
In war time, when they died, honoring our flag was showing them a compliment.
Those feelings never left this old country boy's thinking or appreciative ways,
Being one of a handful to remove a hat or place a hand on our heart in prior days.
I can too vividly remember disrespect at ball games, parades, or at race tracks,
"No Respect" during National Anthem, only laughing & hollering, a sad fact.
Then 9/11/2001, a dastardly deed causing the current liberating Foreign Wars,
Fighting terrorism in places it originates, pushing it away from USA's door.
Many more personnel in harms way have died over the past several years,
"Memorial Day" gives us pause to be aware of survivor's heartbreaking tears.
So many died for this freedom in establishing frontiers for Liberty worldwide,
Continuing today with our U.S troops, we should support them all with Pride.
For those dying long ago & the ones giving their all now in current campaigns,
To afford so many, a blood soaked Liberty, honor by letting freedom bells ring.
We should reflect continually on the history of our flag & all the lives given,
Maybe pause today, raise the Flag & say "thank you" for a free life we're livin'.
"Another Memorial Day" to appreciate all the fallen since the rockets red glare.
Honor all deceased military at this time on "Another Memorial Day" in prayer.
Click the purple line in the previous post to see the picture.
memorialday1.jpg (JPEG Image, 640x480 pixels)
Silently remembering our loved ones, and honoring their lives through ours...
Have a blessed, safe, and great weekend. God Bless Family
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Correction for Graduates 2010

Hello family. Sometimes blogger might leave out a letter, or put in the wrong letter for some reason or another. Sometimes I might want Bold Italics, or maybe a video. Then there's a proofread, or two. This time, it was just plain old oops ! You will not see the corrections made if you are an auto send. You will have to log on to the blog manually to see the corrections in the past post.
Stephen will graduate from Bucknell University, and Brandon will graduate from Georgetown University. Sorry about the confusion. Also interestingly enough, family members from the same immediate branch are graduating on the same day. Can Tyrees be in two places at once? I'd like to see the video. Good luck and God Bless. or The Tyree Tree Family Blog
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Congratulations To The Class of 2010
1)Stephen Tyree will march on May 23, 2010 at Bucknell University.
2)Brittany Tyree will march on May 25, 2010 at Fashion Institute of Technology.
3)Brandon Tyree will march on May 23, 2010 at Georgetown University School of Law
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Changes To The Blog
Mother’s Day 2010 Images
Well we were all together again to honor our Mother at Cracker Barrel. Pardon the serious looks, but I had to get some candid shots, Then trying to get a self shot as well. Otherwise I guess we’d all be smiling.(:-) You know reading the menu is almost as serious as eating ! Please send me your Mother’s day photos if you would like me to post them. Just use your phone to keep it simple.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Happy Mother’s Day
Hello. The white rose is a symbol of the Mother who has left this existence for their reward in Glory. Bless the Mothers, Grand Mothers, Aunts, Sisters, Cousins and Friends that have gone on to Glory. In Loving memory; may they forever be in our hearts. We are thankful for them.
The red rose is a symbol of a living Mother. Still we are here together, living side by side. Oddly enough, I think of Grandma Rosa Etta whenever I see a red rose. I never saw her, but her presence is always prevalent. We’re thankful to have our living Mothers and to still be able to be near them.
Peace, Love, and Joy on Mother’s day
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Celebrate May Birthdays
1) Amanda Dargan 5-15 Warner-Robbin, Georgia
2)Alan Jones 5-17 Maryland (D. C. area)
3)Aunt Josie Tyree 5-21 Chesapeake, Va.
4)Kenneth Pugh 5-22 Chesapeake, Va.
5-27 Brittany Tyree 5-27 D.C.
5-27 Dorian Tyree 5-27 Detroit
Happy birthday and much love to you. God Bless